1) Preezy...I got a question...if I pay for dinners and movie for a woman, doesn't she owe me some pussy?
This is the BEST QUESTION you have ever asked me. Now let me ask you a question: Initially did you approach the woman, or did she approach you? 99 percent of the time, women will NOT approach men especially if they are attractive. This means that you SOLICITED HER! If a woman gives you her time, she does NOT OWE YOU ANY PUSSY! Remember, good looking women get talked to between the averages of 5-10 times a day (ugly bitches get talked to once every 190,000 years)! Women have no problem with letting unattractive men take them out to the movies, dinner, and....take them RIGHT THE FUCK BACK HOME! All men get used at some point because women know we are interested in them. If they don't want to give you any, just keep it respectful and find another WOMAN you fucking idiot!
2) Another question ....Is it wrong for me to forcibly rape a woman that I have had sex with before?
Another controversial question....I personally know men who have "gimmie that'd" their girlfriends, wives, or women they have slept with before just because they have had consensual sex with them in the past. This is not the Caveman Era where you can go around knocking bitches in the head and dragging them by their hair! As much as I dislike hoes, women do have RIGHTS.If a woman wants to fuck you, cool...fuck her! If she wants to leave you alone, take it like a man and get ANOTHER WOMAN!
Also...even if your married, you should never rape your wife,girlfriend, (mother or stepmother), or any woman. You have NO FUCKING EXCUSE! Just go on myspace and get some freaky bitches like I use to.
3) AYOOOOOOO....there is a sexy ass 16 year old that wants to give me some pussy...should I do it?

You should never fuck any young girl who thinks CNN is a rap group you ass hole! Leave the fucking of little kids to R.Kelly and Michael Jackson! I know you have heard of a little thing called statutory rape haven't you? In the hood, they use to always say:"16 will get you 20" (translation for our white readers courtesy of www.helpaslowniggaout.com "Having sexual intercourse with a sixteen year old is likely to get you 20 years in prison.") So many guys are fucking underage women its a shame. I ain't gonna lie...some of these young females got asses that look like 32 inch TV screens! However, I prefer you to do this..."HANGOUT AT HIGH
4)I met this chick and we started fucking...but while were fucking, she wanted to stop...if I keep going, is that wrong?
I am so sorry that your fucking with indecisive bitches off of adultfriendfinder.com! Even though you met her 23 minutes ago, she forgot that she had a boyfriend in Iraq while you were hitting it right? Now she feels bad about it, and she wants to stop! You on swole and you still want to fuck right? Maybe stop means go still huh? Contrary to popular belief, stop means STOP NIGGA! You can also go to jail for this KIND OF RAPE! I have had this happen to me before....and of course I was pissed. However, I quickly ran in the kitchen, shot nut all over her kool-aid jug, and never spoke to her again and then fucked her cousin the next week!
Maybe you should do the same!
Men..you must respect the rights of women! You may not always think highly of them, but you should NEVER rape a woman. Would you want a nigga raping your mother or sister? Show the same respect to these women!
*Doc Lex Second Opinion*
Yes, NEVER strong arm a female for some ass. If you "Strong Arm" a female, more than likely you will meet the "Long Arm" aka "The Laws, Bo Brown, William T. Hater, The Peoples, 5-0 or whatever the fuck niggaz are callin the Cops nowadays". Now, there ARE times where monetary compensation should be legal, meaning, if she SAYS she's gonna give you the drawls and then you drive 35 miles to "Slang Angus" and she decides no at the last minute and has you drive back, thats should be an automatic $8 on the tank.
But there are also other things that are just as bad as "Strong Armin'" a female, like what i refer to as the "Nike ACG Plan" which is basically: if you drive her to so many places and burn up so much gas and she just wants to go home, you then relate to her "Ass, Cash, or Gas. If not, put your feet to the concrete and Just Do It". i'm not gonna name any names but SOMEBODY left a female 25 miles from home because she decided not to smash. Filthy. People, just because you don't smash THIS time does NOT mean you won't get the drawls the next go round. Be patient.
Doc Lex...out.
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