If its one thing i've learned in life, its this: surround yourself with those you strive to be like. I hear alot of people talkin about "man, i wanna do this and i'm tryin to do that", but when you look at who they hang around, you can see WHY they aren't doing "this or that". You know why rich people hang around other rich people? Because they can tell each other how to get rich. You can't get money hangin around broke niggaz all the time. The only thing a broke person can tell you what to do with money is spend it. If you wanna learn how to hustle real estate, hang around people who are doing well in that field, not your homeboy who THINKS he knows whats goin on and lives in his moms basment. If you want to be motivated to do things and get yours, then surround yourself with people who are doing the same exact thing. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with havin "slackers" in your squad because thats who i have the most fun with when i wanna relax, but when its time for business, i hang around business minded people. You need to learn the difference. The reason why alot of crews and so forth fall off is because only one person is actually business minded while the others are there just for the perks. Shit, look at 50.
Doc Lex....out
Doc Preezy
I agree with LEX. When you put your self around nigga's/female's that ain't about shit.....99.8% of the time you won't be about shit either. Everyone has that "one" person that doesn't have goals and any desire to do anything with their life. My best thing to tell you is to either motivate that person or leave them as they are. Chances are you'll be @ home getting dressed all up to play Street Fighter 4 all day and eating Cheetos!
So remember when you with nigga's that don't want anything in life.....they don't wait you with anything in life either.
That i so true, I'm at that crossroads now dealing with the "typical niggas" and the go getters. Now i can switch it up and such, but i gotta try hard not to slack off too much. Because i have to think of it like this, making it in whatever will either motivate them or turned them into a hater which they have been in the first place.
ReplyDeletethis inspired me. thank you guys.