I know your wondering "HOW CAN I BE LIKE PREEZY AND LAY PIPE?"
I am glad you asked that question you Lebron James head band wearing ass nigga! Not only am I a great person, I have all the game to get you bitch ass nigga's some more pussy. It has took me years and years to perfect this game and I am giving it to you for free! Aren't you tired of going to the club and getting fake numbers? Are you tired of having to spend your money on fine ass bitches just to get them to come over and watch a bootleg DVD? Well this blog is for you nigga. I have 6 simple rules that will help you increase your pussy rate by 55.6 percent in the next 2 weeks! Without further or due, let the recitation of this chapter begin.
1) Fellas...understand this: EVERY WOMAN WILL NOT WANT YOU!
I have said this before...and nigga's...I will say it again! EVERY WOMAN THAT YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WILL NOT WANT YOU IN THAT FASHION! As much as I would like to think that I am the flyest nigga in the 773 area code, there are some women who just are not attracted to me. Some women like only light skinned men, white men, only tall men,muscular men, or whatever the case. YOU WILL NOT ALWAYS BE THEIR TYPE! Rejection from women will happen and I don't care who you are! NFL ATHLETES get rejected by regular women all the time! Do not get pissed if a woman you are interested in
doesn't want you. That is just how the game works. There are plenty of women out here who will let you hit it doggy so stop tripping off that bitch and keep it moving to the next one.DON'T TAKE IT PERSONAL...WOMEN HAVE THEIR RIGHT to choose who they want to fuck with.
I hate to see dudes at the club or in the street trying to "holla" at a female and the first thing they say is: "GIRL YOU NEED TO COME FUCK WITH A REAL NIGGA LIKE ME!"That was a good line nigga. Please visit yourself at: www.dumbassniggaswithnogame.org Nigga's understand this: EVERY NIGGA SAYS THIS KIND OF SHIT TO WOMEN! I hate when these broke ass low self esteem nigga's try to talk to women like they all that but knowing that they work at Jiffy Lube and sell weed on the side at they Uncle Johnny house. It doesn't make you look tight when you say this stuff to women...it makes you look very weak to a woman. Never approach a woman talking about how you can take care of her, and how you can do this or that for her. Because you know what? You are putting yourself out there to get used!!! A smart woman is going to let you prove how manly you are and use you for some money, dinner, and everything else and you still wont fuck! Stop trying to brag to women about what you got going on, when your album is coming
out, how much money you got, and the rest of this shit. The point is: THEY DON'T GIVE A FUCK! Always know that a attractive woman gets offers from better looking niggas with more money than you EVERYDAY! This is where you dare to be different! Learn how to keep a casual conversation and listen to the chick tell you all about herself! Remember: she didn't approach you to get to know you...you approached her to get to know her! It should be ALL ABOUT GETTING TO KNOW HER and not about YOUR Popeye the sailor man looking ass!
A man can never afford to get jealous or show anger towards a chick. Never get mad if a female doesn't call you back, return a text message, or breaks a date. Lets say you met a chick and y'all supposed to kick it right? You called the chick to say you're on your way, but the bitch ain't answering the phone. You call back a hour later, and the bitch stillllllllllllllll ain't answering right? What do you do? Well...most of you nigga's might leave the bitch a dirty voicemail and call her all types of tramps and bitches or say some shit about how foul she is for not answering right? NO MAN NO! Don't get mad! Don't even mention it at all! Women are and will always be flaky! They are notorious for changing their minds at the last minute on bitch ass nigga's like you! You should expect women to do shit like this especially young bitches. Women want nothing more than to know that a nigga is tripping off them! Once you start tripping, they have the control, and they don't want you anymore.
Just play it off, don't even trip, and when the chick call you back, DON'T ANSWER! Call her back in a couple of days and be like: "HEY HOW YOU DOING?" Act all cheerful and excited about life because you should always be like that. Never let a female change your attitude or mood EVER! She will be tripping the fuck out about why you not asking her about the missed date since all the other nigga's she fuck with bitch and moan and complain. This will make her want to suck your dick and fuck you even more!
4) Always listen to women but never give advice and never criticize them or their man
Some hoes out there will still fuck you even though they got a man. Most of them will, they just wont admit it with they nasty asses. NEVER CRITICIZE A WOMAN'S BOYFRIEND OR ANY NIGGA SHE FUCKING PERIOD! A lot of nigga's think they are being a man when they are making themselves look better than the other dude by saying shit like: "Aww girl you need to stop fucking with him and come fuck with me cuz he aint doing you right."
Again...females hear this same shit everyday...you are NOT SPECIAL! Always listen to women...but never give advice or criticize.Women love to bitch about their personal problems and shit...let them. When you give women advice or criticize them or their situations, you are being THEIR FRIEND! THIS IS HOW YOU GET IN THE "FRIEND ZONE" *Note....this is not a sneak diss to you know who..it's just true* Now you know why you haven't been getting no pussy huh? Let their female friends give advice and you just listen to the chick! Say things like: "OH YEAH...HMMMM...O I SEE" and shit like that. NEVER GIVE YOUR OPINION UNTIL AFTER YOU FUCK!
5) Never argue with bitches or tell them off
Ok...so a bitch does you shady. You don't want to fuck with her no more but you feel you got to tell the bitch off and call her all types of bitches and shit right? DUMB ASS NIGGA...DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME! I cuss bitches out on the blogs because its
entertainment! But you are seriously wasting your time. When you spend time yelling and cursing at bitches, you are showing them that you care about them and you let shit bother you! The whole time you telling the bitch off, she laughing at your ass because she
making you look stupid! Learn how to delete a bitch number or block a bitch from your myspace/facebook REAL QUICK! Don't give a fuck about these hoes if you are not interested. They will come back eventually like they always do and you'll still be able to fuck them when they do.
6) Never talk to "young minded chicks w no goals", virgins, born again virgins, abstinent, or any type of shit like that.
You cannot afford to waste your time fucking with chicks who got problems or issues. Young bitches are so immature, its a shame. I must admit...I do like how young bitches suck and fuck on tube8.com and shit, but other than that, I suggest you not fuck with them. Young bitches are usually only good for being text message buddies or AOL Instant messaging lol. Don't you get tired of calling a young female and she steadily singing Lil Wayne songs in the background while you on the phone with the bitch? Young females get jocked a lot by young and old niggas...so understand the competition is fierce. Young hoes play a lot of games and they are always the hardest to fuck! They have a false sense of reality and they think they are the shit. I suggest all men
regardless of what age, fuck with smarter women 25 years older and up.These females are horny, and they looking for a dick to suck and bounce on. You don't have to worry about an older woman stalking you like a young bitch will.
Also...virgins, born again virgins, and bitches like that, please keep it moving on these hoes! You are not special: STOP THINKING YOU CAN CHANGE THE BITCH MIND! If a girl say she a virgin, don't stick around and hope that she will let you fuck.
There are many more rules than this...but I am giving you a head start! If I get the response a good response to this chapter, I will post up 6 more advanced techniques to help you nigga's stop having that ashy ass dick syndrome and get some pussy.
I know your wondering "HOW CAN I BE LIKE PREEZY AND LAY PIPE?"
I am glad you asked that question you Lebron James head band wearing ass nigga! Not only am I a great person, I have all the game to get you bitch ass nigga's some more pussy. It has took me years and years to perfect this game and I am giving it to you for free! Aren't you tired of going to the club and getting fake numbers? Are you tired of having to spend your money on fine ass bitches just to get them to come over and watch a bootleg DVD? Well this blog is for you nigga. I have 6 simple rules that will help you increase your pussy rate by 55.6 percent in the next 2 weeks! Without further or due, let the recitation of this chapter begin.
1) Fellas...understand this: EVERY WOMAN WILL NOT WANT YOU!
I have said this before...and nigga's...I will say it again! EVERY WOMAN THAT YOU ARE INTERESTED IN WILL NOT WANT YOU IN THAT FASHION! As much as I would like to think that I am the flyest nigga in the 773 area code, there are some women who just are not attracted to me. Some women like only light skinned men, white men, only tall men,muscular men, or whatever the case. YOU WILL NOT ALWAYS BE THEIR TYPE! Rejection from women will happen and I don't care who you are! NFL ATHLETES get rejected by regular women all the time! Do not get pissed if a woman you are interested in
doesn't want you. That is just how the game works. There are plenty of women out here who will let you hit it doggy so stop tripping off that bitch and keep it moving to the next one.DON'T TAKE IT PERSONAL...WOMEN HAVE THEIR RIGHT to choose who they want to fuck with.
I hate to see dudes at the club or in the street trying to "holla" at a female and the first thing they say is: "GIRL YOU NEED TO COME FUCK WITH A REAL NIGGA LIKE ME!"That was a good line nigga. Please visit yourself at: www.dumbassniggaswithnogame.org Nigga's understand this: EVERY NIGGA SAYS THIS KIND OF SHIT TO WOMEN! I hate when these broke ass low self esteem nigga's try to talk to women like they all that but knowing that they work at Jiffy Lube and sell weed on the side at they Uncle Johnny house. It doesn't make you look tight when you say this stuff to women...it makes you look very weak to a woman. Never approach a woman talking about how you can take care of her, and how you can do this or that for her. Because you know what? You are putting yourself out there to get used!!! A smart woman is going to let you prove how manly you are and use you for some money, dinner, and everything else and you still wont fuck! Stop trying to brag to women about what you got going on, when your album is coming
out, how much money you got, and the rest of this shit. The point is: THEY DON'T GIVE A FUCK! Always know that a attractive woman gets offers from better looking niggas with more money than you EVERYDAY! This is where you dare to be different! Learn how to keep a casual conversation and listen to the chick tell you all about herself! Remember: she didn't approach you to get to know you...you approached her to get to know her! It should be ALL ABOUT GETTING TO KNOW HER and not about YOUR Popeye the sailor man looking ass!
A man can never afford to get jealous or show anger towards a chick. Never get mad if a female doesn't call you back, return a text message, or breaks a date. Lets say you met a chick and y'all supposed to kick it right? You called the chick to say you're on your way, but the bitch ain't answering the phone. You call back a hour later, and the bitch stillllllllllllllll ain't answering right? What do you do? Well...most of you nigga's might leave the bitch a dirty voicemail and call her all types of tramps and bitches or say some shit about how foul she is for not answering right? NO MAN NO! Don't get mad! Don't even mention it at all! Women are and will always be flaky! They are notorious for changing their minds at the last minute on bitch ass nigga's like you! You should expect women to do shit like this especially young bitches. Women want nothing more than to know that a nigga is tripping off them! Once you start tripping, they have the control, and they don't want you anymore.
Just play it off, don't even trip, and when the chick call you back, DON'T ANSWER! Call her back in a couple of days and be like: "HEY HOW YOU DOING?" Act all cheerful and excited about life because you should always be like that. Never let a female change your attitude or mood EVER! She will be tripping the fuck out about why you not asking her about the missed date since all the other nigga's she fuck with bitch and moan and complain. This will make her want to suck your dick and fuck you even more!
4) Always listen to women but never give advice and never criticize them or their man
Some hoes out there will still fuck you even though they got a man. Most of them will, they just wont admit it with they nasty asses. NEVER CRITICIZE A WOMAN'S BOYFRIEND OR ANY NIGGA SHE FUCKING PERIOD! A lot of nigga's think they are being a man when they are making themselves look better than the other dude by saying shit like: "Aww girl you need to stop fucking with him and come fuck with me cuz he aint doing you right."
Again...females hear this same shit everyday...you are NOT SPECIAL! Always listen to women...but never give advice or criticize.Women love to bitch about their personal problems and shit...let them. When you give women advice or criticize them or their situations, you are being THEIR FRIEND! THIS IS HOW YOU GET IN THE "FRIEND ZONE" *Note....this is not a sneak diss to you know who..it's just true* Now you know why you haven't been getting no pussy huh? Let their female friends give advice and you just listen to the chick! Say things like: "OH YEAH...HMMMM...O I SEE" and shit like that. NEVER GIVE YOUR OPINION UNTIL AFTER YOU FUCK!
5) Never argue with bitches or tell them off
Ok...so a bitch does you shady. You don't want to fuck with her no more but you feel you got to tell the bitch off and call her all types of bitches and shit right? DUMB ASS NIGGA...DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME! I cuss bitches out on the blogs because its
entertainment! But you are seriously wasting your time. When you spend time yelling and cursing at bitches, you are showing them that you care about them and you let shit bother you! The whole time you telling the bitch off, she laughing at your ass because she
making you look stupid! Learn how to delete a bitch number or block a bitch from your myspace/facebook REAL QUICK! Don't give a fuck about these hoes if you are not interested. They will come back eventually like they always do and you'll still be able to fuck them when they do.
6) Never talk to "young minded chicks w no goals", virgins, born again virgins, abstinent, or any type of shit like that.
You cannot afford to waste your time fucking with chicks who got problems or issues. Young bitches are so immature, its a shame. I must admit...I do like how young bitches suck and fuck on tube8.com and shit, but other than that, I suggest you not fuck with them. Young bitches are usually only good for being text message buddies or AOL Instant messaging lol. Don't you get tired of calling a young female and she steadily singing Lil Wayne songs in the background while you on the phone with the bitch? Young females get jocked a lot by young and old niggas...so understand the competition is fierce. Young hoes play a lot of games and they are always the hardest to fuck! They have a false sense of reality and they think they are the shit. I suggest all men
regardless of what age, fuck with smarter women 25 years older and up.These females are horny, and they looking for a dick to suck and bounce on. You don't have to worry about an older woman stalking you like a young bitch will.
Also...virgins, born again virgins, and bitches like that, please keep it moving on these hoes! You are not special: STOP THINKING YOU CAN CHANGE THE BITCH MIND! If a girl say she a virgin, don't stick around and hope that she will let you fuck.
There are many more rules than this...but I am giving you a head start! If I get the response a good response to this chapter, I will post up 6 more advanced techniques to help you nigga's stop having that ashy ass dick syndrome and get some pussy.
yo boy thats some mad skills. yous a straight up pimp nigga, i couldnt of said it better my self. i could use a nigga like you in my crew,i got some real hoes. add this email paulie_j_mills@hotmail.com