Doctor K is in with some womanly perspective... Here's something for everyone to ponder, male & female alike.
Aight so seriously ladies let's take some pride in ourselves here... STOP GOING THROUGH YOUR MAN'S SHIT!!! Obviously you're looking for something you want to be there, in which case, why the fuck are you wasting your time on his lame ass??? And, if you wanna be trifling and all up in your man's grill, do not bring other women into it. Other people do not need to be involved in your relationship. If you feel like you can't get an honest answer out of your man, why the fuck are you wasting your time on his lying ass??? If you feel like you need drama in your life, watch a soap opera and mind your own damn business. There's the flip side too, bc I'm not even gonna put this all on men--if your ass is paranoid that your man is creeping on you, could it be because your trifling ass is doing the same thing? It's a thing we psych people like to call PROJECTION--your paranoia is a manifestation of your own cheating ways. Oh, yes. So stop fronting like every girl in your man's phone is the reason why your relationship has problems. Handle that shit within your own relationship and keep everyone else out of it!
You do not need to be using another woman's phone number if:
1. She did not give you her phone number
2. She does not know your name
3. You got it from your man's phone
Oh and you especially do not need to be wasting up anyone's text messages on some bullshit. If you're going to be bold enough to go through your man's phone, delete a text message, and then use the phone number, then actually DIAL it.
Guys, you are not going to get off on this one either. If you feel the need to play the field and test the waters, STOP CALLING HER YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!! Ol' girl is stressing because she can't control the one thing that supposedly belongs to her. What kind of sense does it make to call somebody your lady if you want to fuck everyone and anyone else??? Do you really want every other female in your phone to have the potential to be harassed by your "girl" and think you don't have your shit on point? And how are you gonna let this chick get all up in your personal space like that? Trust is one thing, but straight up privacy violation is another. Be a man, draw the line. And stop tryna have your cake and it eat it too. Also, stop being cowardly!!! If you don't want to be with her anymore, but you're scared of how her psycho ass is going to react, break up with her anyway! So what if she breaks your windshield or slashes your tires... You can fix those. Time is money, and spending more time with a psycho phone girl does nothing good for you.
Young Loso, ask yourself, and be honest with yourself here, if your girl has ANY reason to think you may be cheating on her. If your answer is truly no, then ask yourself if your girl could be creeping around on you... I'm not telling you to flip the script on her when she pulls this phone business... Better yet, just be a silent observer. A lot of the time, when people accuse other people of things that are obviously untrue, it's really just a matter of guilty conscience.